Wecan, sponsor and speaker of the SPHERE Digital Solutions Week

We are very happy to be Sponsor & Speaker of the Sphere Digital Solutions week 2022.
During this series of events dedicated to digital solutions for External Asset managers (EAMs), we will organize a workshop in Zurich and we will animate a round table in Geneva.

Organized by Sphere, the Swiss financial communication company specialized in investor relations, this week will be dedicated to the opportunities and new business models that digitalization can generate for External Asset Managers.

On this occasion, Oliver Walker and Anna Waibel will lead a workshop in German on Wednesday, May 11th during the face-to-face event held at the Hotel Baur au Lac.
Our two specialists in Banking and EAMs will present Wecan Comply, our blockchain-based solution that simplifies and secures the exchange of compliance data.

On Friday May 13th, we will also be a sponsor at the 2nd event organized in Geneva.
Vincent Pignon, our CEO, will lead (in French) a roundtable with members of the Blockchain Association for Finance (CĂ©dric Haenni from Pictet Asset Services, Benoit Barbereau from Edmond de Rothschild, Patrick Humbert from Pleion SA and SĂ©bastien Capt from Prime Partners)

The topic will be:
“How to improve interactions between asset managers, clients and custodian banks”


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