wecan token

The token for the Wecan ecosystem

WECAN Token has one purpose, to anchor transactions on Wecan Chain and record hashes linked to data transmitted by users of Wecan applications.

Current Wecan Token price (EUR)

€ 0.00322
-0.92% (Last 24 hours)

Where to buy WECAN Tokens ?

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E-learning program

A one-of-a-kind opportunity before the WECAN Token listing

A token empowered by our products

The more users use our products, the more valuable the token will be.

Blockchain Data Manager

Wecan Comply is a Blockchain Data Manager used daily by over 100 financial institutions.

Blockchain Secured & Instant Messaging

Wecan Connect is a Blockchain secure instant messaging for professionals with distributed data storage.

The foundational layers we have already built

Today we are strategically positioned at the frontier of Web3 innovation. We have built the most functional gateway to bridge the gap between institutionals and blockchain technology.

Secure your data. Minimize your risk.

We provide a digital safe to each company to secure key data.

Share Data More Freely & Securely

More securely authenticate users, validate their information and enrich their profiles without ever revealing sensitive data to partners, other internal teams, or third party services.

Discover the power of our institutional marketplace

Our platform is designed to cater to the unique needs of institutions, offering a comprehensive range of financial products and services. With a user-friendly interface and robust security protocols, our marketplace ensures a smooth and secure experience for all our clients.

Solutions leveraged by leading financial institutions

The future layers we are pioneering

Web3 will induce the biggest data shift of our time. Wecan will lead the democratisation of that. Simplifying all aspects of web3 data management and providing first-row passage to tomorrow’s exponential age.

Next Gen Data Management

Improve the security of your online personal and professional data with our data manager you can trust. Add enterprise-grade data management to your service.

Digital Blockchain Signature

To prove a contract signature, intellectual property, protect communications, etc.

The AI database

With distributed storage and high-quality data, we’re going to increase the potential of personal AI tenfold.

Your networking made easy

Regardless of your location, you can access offers from banks, asset managers, brokers, and tax advisors without the need to travel.

Why invest?

Why is dynamic valuation interesting for you?

All our customers must purchase Tokens to pay the registration fees. Our Utility Token is an integral part of our business model and demand will grow as our products are adopted.

Buy WECAN token on Bitstamp


Q1 2022

Finma ruling

Q3 2023

End of Presale

Q4 2023

Listing on Bitstamp

Q1 2024

Listing on Uniswap

Why is now the best moment?

Today, once more, we have a dream. We see a window of opportunity to rise to the very top of the upcoming Exponential Age. We are driven by a vision of becoming a transformative Web3 platform bridging privacy, security and ownership of data with the potential of Artifial Intelligence. Our mission is to build the infrastructure of trust and distribute the value system of Web3 to tens of millions of humans through the Wecan ecosystem.

Web3 holds immense potential for catalyzing the emergence of novel business models that are more decentralized, transparent, and inclusive. Through the blockchain-based infrastructure, Web3 enables the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts that can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, automated processes, and secure value exchanges without intermediaries. This paves the way for innovative monetization strategies, such as token economies, where users can directly participate in the success of a platform by holding and utilizing native tokens like WECAN.

In the current digital landscape, security and data breaches pose significant risks and challenges to individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. The increasing reliance on digital platforms and interconnected systems has expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals, leading to a higher frequency and sophistication of attacks. These breaches not only compromise sensitive personal and financial information but also erode trust in online interactions. The potential consequences of security breaches include financial loss, identity theft, reputational damage, and even broader societal impacts, such as disruption of critical infrastructure or unauthorized access to sensitive government data. Additionally, as the volume of data being collected and stored continues to grow, ensuring robust data protection and privacy measures becomes paramount. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach involving robust encryption, regular security audits, user education, and collaboration between stakeholders to establish global cybersecurity standards. As technologies evolve, so do the strategies of cybercriminals, making it essential for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant and adaptive in safeguarding against security breaches.

In the contemporary digital landscape, the landscape of compliance and data protection presents critical risks and challenges for organizations. With the implementation of regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), businesses are under increased pressure to adhere to stringent data protection standards. Non-compliance can lead to severe financial penalties and reputational damage. The global nature of data flows further complicates matters, as businesses must navigate varying regulations across different jurisdictions. The collection, storage, and processing of personal data also expose individuals to privacy infringements and potential misuse of their information. Striking the balance between utilizing data for valuable insights and respecting individual privacy rights is a complex challenge. Additionally, as data breaches become more frequent and sophisticated, the responsibility to safeguard sensitive information has grown. The aftermath of a breach can result in legal liabilities, loss of consumer trust, and the costly process of mitigating damages. Organizations are now tasked with not only protecting their own data but also ensuring that third-party vendors and partners uphold the same compliance standards. Staying ahead of these challenges requires a proactive approach to compliance, including robust data protection protocols, regular audits, transparent data handling practices, and a commitment to staying informed about evolving regulations.

The emergence of Web3 presents an exciting opportunity to revolutionize the capabilities of artificial intelligence, particularly in terms of enhancing privacy protection. Web3, with its decentralized architecture and emphasis on user ownership of data, has the potential to address some of the key challenges facing AI’s relationship with privacy. By allowing individuals to have greater control over their personal data through decentralized storage, Web3 can significantly minimize the need to centralize data in the hands of a few powerful entities. This shift towards user-centric data management can enable AI systems to access and analyze information without compromising individual privacy. Through encrypted and permissioned access to data stored across a distributed network, AI models can be trained with improved accuracy while safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access. As Web3 technology evolves, it offers the prospect of a new era in AI development, one that respects privacy as a foundational principle and empowers users to harness the potential of AI without sacrificing their personal data.

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