Chronique Blockchain #2 – Education and Training facing Blockchain Technology

According to a report published by Linkedin earlier this year, blockchain will be the most sought-after skill by employers in 2020 and these profiles are in high demand. Understanding the challenges of technology considered the most promising technology of the 21st century becomes essential to participate in tomorrow’s economic world that is already actively taking shape. Thus, according to Gartner, in the next 5 to 10 years, the activity of almost all industries will be transformed by decentralized registries.

Education and training in blockchain technology therefore has a key role to play in understanding its mass adoption. Thus, education is undoubtedly one of the first factors that will ensure that the technological turn of the 21st century is not missed. However, in a rapidly changing society, faced with the acceleration of innovation and new technologies, knowledge can quickly become obsolete. Education systems are increasingly called upon to correspond to the economic realities and needs of societies. Some systems that have not evolved limit access to the skills needed to make economies prosper and pose risks to global productivity. According to a 2019 estimate by the World Economic Forum, up to $11,500 billion could be added to global GDP by 2028 if countries succeed in better preparing for the needs of the future economy. And by 2022, everyone will need an average of 101 additional learning days to keep pace with the changing world of work. Adapting the education system to these changes is therefore crucial for our times.

While traditional education systems have been designed to decrease learning with age, a new system must emerge where training must be continuous throughout an individual’s life, allowing them to update their knowledge as the market evolves. In terms of training, the CREA school, in partnership with Wecan, offers a certification cycle in blockchain strategy for people who wish to identify the market opportunities offered by technology. Another illustration of the need to adapt the educational offer is the growth of online courses or “MOOC” which has grown by more than 683% since 2012.

In this field, Wecan Accelerate, a blockchain solution gas pedal specialized on Libra, is one of the pioneers in the e-learning offer on the blockchain. This entirely digital offer enables users to learn the fundamentals of the Libra blockchain, identify concrete application cases and build solid applications. Once the course is completed, a certification is awarded.

Indeed, apart from its technical aspect, the understanding of blockchain use cases and the upheaval of established industries is essential to consider it as an opportunity and not a threat. The identification of new business models, efficiencies and productivity gains are all opportunities enabled by a good understanding of how distributed registries work. Thus, education is undoubtedly one of the first factors that will ensure that we do not miss the technological turn of the 21st century.

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